Matthew 10:16-33
“And if we answer the call to discipleship, where
will it lead us? What decisions and partings will it
demand? To answer this question we shall have to
go to him, for only he knows the answer. Only
Jesus Christ, who bids us follow him, knows the
journey’s end. But we do know that it will be a road
of boundless mercy.
Discipleship means joy.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Last week we answered the question: What is the
mission of a disciple of Jesus?
Of course the answer is to share the good news of Jesus
with the lost and wayward world.
This week we are going to continue that discussion by
looking at the next verses in Matthew 10. The mission is
not without cost. Today we are going to listen as Jesus
explains how disciples must count the cost of following
Let’s take a look once more at my definition of a disciple:
A disciple is committed to loving God and others,
walking in His commands, sharing His message and
making more disciples.
Matthew 10:16-25
Jesus warns the disciples that He is sending them out
into a dangerous world. He is sending them out as sheep
in the midst of wolves. What a frightening thought.
Sheep are defenseless against wolves. That’s why they
had shepherds to take care of them and protect them.
Jesus urges the disciples to be both wise and innocent.
I like the way John MacArthur describes it in his
commentary on Matthew, “It is neither wise nor loving to
be needlessly accusatory or inflammatory.”
We must go into the world with both grace and
truth as we share the good news of Jesus.
Jesus further warns them that sharing the gospel will
have its challenges.
The Disciple who Shares Christ can Expect
Jesus never promised that following Him was going to be
Jesus gives three areas where persecution will happen:
Religious leaders
Family members
Jesus warns them that they are going to be flogged.
This is the same thing that would happen to Jesus before
He was crucified.
The Greek word is Mastigoo and it means to flog or
Jewish law described it as 3 thongs of leather, the person
being scourged received 13 lashes on the bare breast and
13 on each shoulder. 39 lashes for sharing the good news
of Jesus Christ.
This normally occurred in the synagogue.
They would also be brought before governors and kings.
This part is amazing.
Even though the disciples are going to have to face
persecution. They don’t have to face it alone.
When they are delivered over Jesus tell them that they
have no need to be anxious about what they will say.
Now, let’s keep this verse in context. We are not to use
this verse when we don’t feel like preparing for a
message or lesson. It’s not what Jesus was talking about.
We must still prepare before we divide God’s word.
What he is talking about is how they will respond to the
accusations about preaching Christ.
Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will give them the
words to say to properly bear witness to the Father.
Jesus also mentioned that the disciples will even face
persecution at the hands of their own family.
You might think this impossible or improbable; how could
family turn their back on family?
Well just think of what happens when a Muslim turns to
Christ. They are disowned by their family at best,
arrested or even put to death at worst.
Jesus knew that following Him would come with a cost.
He is trying to explain that fact to His disciples in this
This reminds me of His words in John 15.
“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me
before it hated you.” John 15:18
“Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant
is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted
me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my
word, they will also keep yours.” John 15:20
“Whoever hates me hates my Father also.” John
Disciples who share Christ should expect persecution.
Matthew 10:26-33
The Disciple who Shares Christ Should Not Be
Despite the persecution that will surely come for gospel
sharing disciples, Jesus offers three reasons not to fear.
First, Jesus assures His disciples that Truth Always
Jesus spoke in parables but now He was telling His
disciples to speak the truth boldly in the light.
The gospel requires a response. Those who hear it must
either accept it or reject it. To put it off is to reject it.
Satan wants to hide the truth and deceive those who
hear it. But God’s word never returns void. The truth
always wins.
Rabbis in New Testament times would often whisper in
the ear of their students to help them learn to teach.
They were to speak what they heard in their ear.
God has spoken through His word and we are to take that
out into the world and share it.
Second, We Must Only Fear God.
Even if we are persecuted to the point of death, death is
not the end. Jesus encourages believers not to fear those
who can only put to death our physical bodies. We must
live in fear/reverence of God.
Paul was very aware of this. I like the way he puts it.
To live is Christ, to die is gain. cf Philippians 1:21
Paul was not afraid to die. He knew that when his life on
earth was over he would be in the presence of Jesus.
What an encouraging thought. Persecution only gets us
closer to God.
Third, We are Valuable to God.
We should not fear what may happen to us on earth
because we are important to God. Jesus mentions the
sparrows and how insignificant they are. Two are sold for
a penny. And God still watches out for them. But God
cares so much more for us. We are made in His image.
Nothing else on earth can boast that. He even knows the
number of hairs on our heads. For some of us that
number is smaller than others. But He knows the point is
that God deems us more important than the sparrows.
These three reasons help the gospel sharing disciple stay
kingdom focused.
Look at the last two verses of our text. vv.32-33.
Those who share the gospel are acknowledging Jesus
before men. And for that Jesus will acknowledge us
before the Father.
Those who deny Jesus before men, Jesus will deny before
the Father.
Sharing the gospel is not an option for all who call upon
the name of Jesus as savior.
What is God telling us through His word this morning?
He has a purpose for all believers.
He wants to use us to spread the word to all who may
We must not be silent
We must not be afraid
We must boldly share grace and truth in love.
Even when it is difficult God is with us.
He will guide us and no matter what happens in regards
to persecution. He receives the glory when we follow in
To live is Christ, to die is gain.