Posts from May 2024

The Righteous Live By Faith

Galatians 3:6-14 During one of his great campaigns, D. L. Moody wasaccosted by a man who had been to a number ofthe services and who, although convicted of hisneed for Christ, had kept on postponing a decision.Now the last night had come. The altar call wasover, the people were going home, the work crewwas busy…

Faith is Greater than the Law

Galatians 3:1-5 A young couple invited their pastor for Sundaydinner. While they were in the kitchen preparingthe meal, the minister asked their son what theywere having. “Goat,” the little boy replied. “Goat?” replied the Pastor, “Are you sure about that?” “Yes,” said the youngster. “I heard Dad say toMom, ‘We might as well have the…

Mother’s Day 2024

Mom Quotes Silence is golden. Unless you have kids. Thensilence is suspicious. Licked a dark smear off my finger and thenthought, “Phew, it’s chocolate!”Russian roulette, mom style I don’t want to sleep like a baby. I want to sleeplike my husband.He doesn’t even wake up when the baby cries. When your “mom voice” is so…

Standing Against Hypocrisy

Galatians 2:11-21 In Christian Reader Jim Corley tells of a conversation hehad with a friend named Alex who attended his church.Alex was struggling over his many failures to live theChristian life the way he knew he should. One day theymet at the car dealership where Alex worked. Corleywrites:That day in his office Alex got straight…