We believe in the one true living God, (Isaiah 45:5) creator of heaven and earth. He is holy, perfect, all knowing, all powerful and ever present. He is worthy of our worship, reverence and obedience. He is one God in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
We believe Jesus is the eternal Son of God. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin. He humbled Himself by becoming man yet without sin. He was both fully God and fully man, (Colossians 2:9). His death on the cross provided redemption of sin for all who would believe. He was raised from the dead on the third day and appeared to the disciples and many others. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God. He will return in power and glory at a time that only the Father knows (Matthew 24:36).
Holy Spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, fully divine. He inspired men to write the Scriptures. He enables us to understand truth, (John 14:26). He convicts of sin, He calls men to the Savior. He comforts believers and seals them until the day of redemption. He gives spiritual gifts and empowers believers for evangelism, worship and service.
Man was created in God’s image, (Genesis 1:27). He created both male and female. God gave man free choice and he sinned against God which brought sin into the human race. Now all who are born inherit a sin nature. By the grace of God through faith in Christ man can be redeemed and brought into a right relationship with God.
The Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired by God. It is God’s revelation of Himself to man, (2 Timothy 3:16-17). All Scripture is true and without error.
Ephesians 2:8-9; “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”
Salvation is available to all who repent of their sin and receive the gift of God’s grace when they place their faith in Him and receive forgiveness of sin through the shed blood of Christ.
We don’t earn or deserve God’s grace, it’s available because of His great love for us and His amazing grace.
The Church
The church is a body of baptized believers who assemble together to worship, share the gospel, exercise their spiritual gifts and grow in their relationship with Christ. Christ is the head of the church, (Colossians 1:18) and the pastor shepherds the church under the lordship of Christ. The pastor is limited to men as qualified by scripture in I Timothy 3.
Baptism and Lord’s Supper
Baptism is an outward display of an inward decision and an act of obedience to the command of Christ. It is the immersion in water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Believers who are baptized identify with Christ in the likeness of His death and are raised to walk in newness of life, (Romans 6:4).
Lord’s Supper is a symbolic act of obedience to remember the completed work of Christ on the cross. Believers partake of the bread and the cup in memory of Christ’s body being broken and His blood being shed to purchase our pardon, (Matthew 26:26-30).
Last Things
God has promised that Christ will return at a time that only the Father knows. He will return personally and visibly on earth. The dead in Christ will rise and the righteous will receive their glorified bodies and dwell with God in heaven forever. (I Thessalonians 4:16). The unrighteous will receive their punishment of hell, (Revelation 20:11-15).