Posts by Jay Ditty (Page 4)

A Defense of the Gospel of Grace

Galatians 1 I read this week about a baseball game that oneday took place. It seems that the Lord’s team wasplaying Satan’s team. The Lord’s team was at bat,the score was zero to zero, and it was in thebottom of the 9th inning with two outs. The Coachand the Lord stood by observing the game.…

The Ascension of Christ

Mark 16:19-20, Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1:9-12 John Macarthur on the Ascension of Jesus – Luke’sgospel began with the story of the Lord JesusChrist’s arrival on earth, and ends with Hisdeparture from it.His life began with condescension and ended withascension;it began with incarnation and ended withexaltation;it began with expectation and ended withconsummation;it began with the Son…

Resurrection Encounters

Luke 24 One Easter morning, a Sunday school teacherdecided to see how much her class knew about thetrue meaning of Easter. One of the little girlsquickly raised her hand. “Yes, Sarah?” the teachercalled. “Easter is when all of my aunts and uncles come tomy house to eat turkey, watch football, and takenaps,” she said. “No,…

Preparing for the Resurrection

Matthew 21:1-6, John 12, John 13, John 14, John 18, John 19 The Pastor’s Title A local Pastor joined a community Service Club, andthe members thought they would have a little funwith him. Under his name badge they printed, “HogCaller” as his occupation. Everyone made a bigfanfare as the badge was presented. The Pastor responded…

Peter’s First Easter

Matthew 26:30-35; Matthew 26:69-75; John 21:15-19; I Peter 1:3-6 One hot afternoon on a beach, people noticed a younggirl drowning. They quickly rescued her. The little girlwas unconscious. An old man from a nearby cottagehurriedly reached for the girl laid down on the seashore.As the old man was about to hold the girl, a furious…

Jesus Predicts His Passion &Resurrection

Mark 8,9,10 With Easter only 3 weeks away, I wanted to take sometime to examine some of the events that lead up to thismost holy day.Today we are going to look at the 3 occasions that Jesuspredicted his death and resurrection to His disciples. We are going to be looking at verses in Mark 8,…

Seeking God’s Voice

I Kings 19:9-13a If you are like most Christians you have asked thisquestion at some point – “How can I know for sureI’m hearing God’s voice?” God has spoken to His people many times and inmany ways.He spoke to Moses through a burning bush.He spoke to Balaam through his donkey.He spoke to Isaiah through a…

How Does a Disciple Maker MakeDisciples?

2 Timothy 2:1-2 Tale of two plumbersPlumber 1 – expert plumber, he can fix anythingand does. Any time there is a problem, he takescare of it. He has all the tools and knowledge totake care of any plumbing situation.His kids grow up and start a family of their own.They don’t have any plumbing issues eitherbecause…

The Cost of Being a Gospel Sharing Disciple

Matthew 10:16-33 “And if we answer the call to discipleship, wherewill it lead us? What decisions and partings will itdemand? To answer this question we shall have togo to him, for only he knows the answer. OnlyJesus Christ, who bids us follow him, knows thejourney’s end. But we do know that it will be a…